Fuzzing Bluesheet

Earth to earth; ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Book of Common Prayer


Fuzz, dust and cruft is everywhere on the floor, and it seems to stick to everything. All of this detritus is referred to as Fuzz. Some characters in the game have the ability to make you dustier. Some characters may have the ability to remove that Fuzz in one fashion or another.

Adhesion scores

Every character has an apparent Adhesion (Adh) score on their name badge. This is a number, on a scale from 0 to 5:


Characters may start the game clean. They may have some fuzz and dust. Fuzz is represented by Fuzz shapes. The shapes may or may not have additional meaning. Adhesion may or may not affect how Fuzz sticks to you.

If You Are Fuzzed

Characters with the Fuzzing special ability can use that ability to stick a piece of Fuzz on you. This makes you dustier and dirtier. It also brings you under their spell, mesmerizing you just a bit. Follow the Fuzzing character around for a couple minutes. Roleplay it appropriately.

Getting Defuzzed:

There are a couple of different ways this may happen:

If none of these apply to you, then you can't do anything about the Fuzz.

Eating Fuzz

If you have the special ability to eat Fuzz, then follow the instructions to invoke the ability. Roleplay eating the Fuzz.