A spooky figure in a red fog

The Credits

The Stigmata of Thomas Enfield is a Live Action Role Playing game set in the Dark Summonings universe of Mike Young. It was written by Jennifer Diewald, with the input and suggestions of:

based on an idea by Jennifer Diewald. Collectively, they were TNT Productions at the time of production. The characters and ideas in this game are the result of our demented imaginations, and should not be taken as representations of real people or institutions.

We would like to thank Mike Young for letting us play in and extend his universe. This game would not exist without his inspiration.

An important mechanical component of the game was based on an idea by Chris "Lackey" Chaney, with additions by Andrew "Quick" LaPorte. Their input is greatly appreciated.

Special effects design and implementation suggestions came from Steve McGarry and Allison Szklarz. We appreciate their efforts to make our scenario even creepier and more gruesome.

We really want to thank Lynn Anslow and Dave Clarkson for their participation as NPCs for the game.

The background art for the home page was taken from a Japanese website for, appropriately enough, the Stigmata movie, which has nothing at all to do with this game. Google is a wonderful thing.

When I first built this site in 2003, Papyrus was one of the few fonts that everyone had available. It was a sane choice back then. At least it's not Comic Sans.

And we thank the Darkness eternally.