The Journey of a Single Step
Made Quadrillions of Times

The Destination

A quarter of a billion light-years from the Milky Way, something is dragging millions of galaxies in its direction. The gravitational effects alone are pulling the Milky Way, the Local Cluster, and the entire Virgo Supercluster, towards the Great Attractor at 600 kilometers a second. While this does not threaten anyone for countless millennia, the visible elements of the Great Attractor cannot explain this significant and anomalous gravitational effect. (The inevitable collision of the Milky Way with the Andromeda Galaxy in 4.5 billion years is a greater existential threat.)

All those white lines are leading, eventually, to the Great Attractor. See this article for an explanation and a detailed video. The Great Attractor shows up at around 11:55. Click on the map for a larger image. (This is all real.)

The need to know, to raise the large questions and then find answers — it seems almost a universal drive amongst the sentiences of the Milky Way galaxy. The challenge is the distance. At most, starships can travel ten light years a day in hyperspace. Factoring in maintenance, repair, surprises, discoveries, an uncountable number of First Contacts, and a few Last Contacts, this trip will take roughly 100,000 standard years.

This LARP is NOT about what lies at the Great Attractor. The journey is the story.