Level Up!

Level Up!


You’re a video game character, designed for combat, designed to blast your enemies by the snerk-load. You have been min-maxed and munchkinned as only those with hours to spend online, in forums and darker places, can do it. For Level Up!, there are three rules:

  1. Go Big! These characters have been brought to life by pre-teens to teenage gamer geeks. They will be outrageous, either totally in the trope or totally anti-trope.

  2. NO Weapons! Please leave your padded weapons, your peace-bonded realistic weapons, your Guns, Railguns, Failguns, Wands, Staves, Lasers, Tasers, Blazers, Blasters, and Two-Handed Neutrino Projectors outside of the game space. Your weapons did not follow you Here, which is going to make things difficult for some. We're sure you'll go on about it in your role-playing.

  3. NO Magic or Technology! As with your weapons, your Philters, Potions, Herbs, Lotions, Aspirin, Perpetual Motion Spinners, Health Restoring Dinners, Bags of Holding, Flies of Golding, Origami Foldings, Flash Lights, Laser Sights, Spanx of Tights, Books of Runes, Tomes of Loons, Maps of Moons, and Lorna Doones did not follow you Here. You can carry the trappings of these things, flasks, dead electronics and such, except that they must be empty, hold plain water, or are totally broken and unrepairable. This Realm is indeed a very difficult new Level.

NOTE: Any Weapon, Magic, or Technology not explicitly mentioned in the lists are still banned. There shall be no arguing these rules. Please do not upset the Gods of Madness (GMs) in charge of your environment.

This is just like First Level all over again, where you had to scrounge for every Nifty Weapon, every Item of Power, and every Clue in the Land. It was the only way to make the Noble Rebellion strong enough to overthrow the Mystic Giants.

Oh, wait. We are First Level again. F-word! (Fart!) Better start scrounging!