LARP Roles I've Played

My friend Charlie McCutcheon says that I get "cranky" if there's a long time between LARPs for me. He's right. I've made so many friends through LARPing, and we've done so many strange and wondrous things in the process, that I miss it too much when I don't get the chance.

For example, several of us were on the cover of the Boston Globe Calendar magazine back in December of 2000. We went down to the Globe offices, got into costume, then walked through the various departments as they were working on the next day's paper. We got some odd looks, but, then, we're used to it! Besides, I'm in the picture with five other role-players who I've had such amazing experiences with, in and out of game. Each one of the people in the photo has given me several memorable moments. That's what LARP is all about. (Sure, it would have been nice if the article in the Globe had talked more about Intercon but other news articles did.)

The current Me, as of March 2024! It's good to be the Queen!

Picture from inside the Globe article. From left to right: Charles Sumner, Mark Waks, ancient 2000 Me, Jeff Ogorzalek, Anne Cross, and Katherine Journeay.

Different roles, and different people, all of whom are very special to me. I've played so many different parts, in so many different games, that this page is the only way for me to keep track of them all! Whether it's science fiction, fantasy, murder mysteries, historical dramas, or whatever, it's all taken me to wondrous places. And, when I think about some of the things that people have asked me to do for them in game... Well, there are too many people who know I'll go (probably) too far, if they ask.

As a result, I've LARPed many times in the UK. I've LARPed virtually in an Italian LARP, and have had several international players in my own in-person and virtual LARPs. Many of my LARPs have run on two different continents. The Tales of Irnh has run on three!

This is when I was a Professor of Alchemy at a Wizarding school in Czocha Castle in Poland, where the Alchemy class was taught in the original wine cellar of the castle. I've taught Alchemy several times since then, at New World Magischola back in the US. The Alchemy Lab is one of my real life Happy Places™!

LARP has also given me a chance to express my creativity in very unexpected ways. Who'd have thought there was a poet or a painter lurking underneath? I have a series of acrylic paintings done in character as a Toreador vampire; the Vortex of Chaos Gravatar I use is the last in that series. I've stood up in front of LARPers performing angry slam poetry. I spent an entire LARP doing artwork with my Apple Pencil on my iPad. I keep discovering talents that I never knew existed, just because my friends are willing to let me take risks and try new things in game.

The confidence, experience, and knowledge that I can do this has been instrumental in my real life. I've given technical lectures at MIT, in front of a lecture hall filled with brilliant people. (One was between lectures by two Turing Award winners. No pressure!) It's definitely the reason I've been confident enough to just be Jennifer in public.

I'm also grateful to the LARP community for their tremendous response to my coming out as Jennifer. Their congratulations, acceptance, and support have been overwhelmingly joyous for me. It's been wonderful to dress to the hilt and chew the scenery as the intense women I've gotten to play. My first in-person role as Jennifer was in the amazing weekend-long On Location LARP, organized and run by several incredible women of the Wilmark Dynasty. It was the first of several coming out events for me, and the people could not have been better.

Gwendolyn Mayfair was the Grande Dame of Hollywood in 1932, the On Location long time leading-lady of the silver screen. I had four amazing costume changes, one for each game period, with this being the third. I 💜 Erica Clement, my amazing hair stylist, for making me feel gorgeous and very purple.

Costuming is important whenever I'm in or around a LARP. I always dress appropriately for a game, even when I'm running it! This was what I wore as the GM for the Intercon V run of Adrift on the Starry Sky! Basic black, a size I never expected to fit into, found on the clearance rack at TJ Maxx. This is also why I carry so many suitcases whenever I go to a LARP convention!

There's eighteen months of hormones between these two pictures. Estrogen is ✨magic!✨ Slow magic, to be sure, but definitely magic! ✨💜 Losing a hundred pounds also helps tremendously.

Hair is costuming. One year after Gwendolyn, I played Ada Rushmore, the new American goddess of drugs, in Wilmark Dynasty's On the Rocks. It was my 500th role, and I really wanted everything to stand out, because that's just who Ada was. Once again, I had four amazing costume changes, with some amazingly shiny, sexy, (mostly) very short dresses. This was the first. Once again, Erica really created the look with her wonderful hair styling and coloring! Note the real actual long fingernails too!

The same dress, six months later. I wore this for the Trans and Nonbinary Meetup at Intercon V, on the second anniversary of my transition, my birthday, and celebrating being in the healthy weight range for the first time in decades. It's quite a different fit, and a little large. I still love the dress, though.

It's not much of a surprise that I have an entire closet dedicated to costuming and other incredible outfits! And a closet and additional clothes rack for day to day wear!

Unknown LARPs

There are a very few LARP roles I played where I discovered bits and pieces of character sheets, that I just can't place where they belong, or what game they even belonged to. These are the ones that need more archaeological research. They probably occurred prior to 2006, so that's where they'll get added to the role count.

Unknown These will be inserted in the list in 2006.
??? Dreiser of Earth ??? | all information lost 1      
??? Phillipe Tromeur, Navigator ??? | pirate LARP, all information lost 2      
??? Dr. Eric Perkins ??? | Psychologist in a mental hospital, all information lost 3      

All the LARPs

This is the list of all the LARPs I've played, even if there are still a couple of missing character names. I do know those characters are not from the list of unknowns above.

1986 This is where it all began!
Dec Dr. J. Andrew Jackson Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll I 🥇🎉🎊🎸🤘 | First LARP ever, and I wrote it! 1 1    
Dec Peter Stuyvesant New Years' on the Riviera 2      
1987 Previous year | Played: 2 | GMed: 1 |
Guido Capaletti Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll II 🎸🤘 3 2    
F. Lee Laughton Frithingham Reprise 4      
Sep Soviet Ambassador Grigori Kazarov Treaty of Berlin I 👍🕵️‍♀️ 5 3    
Nov Sir Adam Cavanaugh, K.B.E Treaty of Berlin II 🕵️‍♀️ 6 4    
1988 Previous year | Played: 4 | GMed: 3 |
Mar Lt. Bill "Howitzer" Wheaton Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll III 🥇🎸🤘 | Debut live performance of Hormones on Parade! 7 5    
Jun Reverend Willi Ten Boom Tales of the Gold Monkey 📆📺 8      
Guest and Planning Committee The Berry Wedding 👍💍 9      
1989 Previous year | Played: 3 | GMed: 1 |
Apr? H.E. Blackpool/Bunter Wales 👍📆✈️🔎 10      
Nov Inspector Tobias Gregson Holmesian London 📆🔎 11      
1990 Previous year | Played: 2 |
Boris Badenov The Great Race 🥇📆🎥💣 12      
1991 Previous year | Played: 1 |
Jul Professor Alistair Chadwick The Idol Hands of Death I 👍🪦 13 6    
Nov Coach Tyler Calhoun Where There's A Will... 🥇📆💵 14 7    
1992 Previous year | Played: 2 | GMed: 2 |
Jul Isaac Seaborne Return to Bora Gora 📆🔎 15      
Sep Karl Steinmetz The Idol Hands of Death II 🪦 16 8    
Oct Karl Steinmetz The Idol Hands of Death III 🪦 17 9    
1993 Previous year | Played: 3 | GMed: 2 |
No LARPs this year — not with two young kids in the house.
1994 Sadly and unusually, no LARPs last year
Jan Graham Taylor/Matthew Merrol The Anniversary (Who Is Killing The Great Chefs?) 🥇📆🔎 | Matthew was the detective after Graham was murdered 18      
May Ahau Popol IV, a Mayan King The House 19      
Aug Abbas Ibn Abbas The Idol Hands of Death IV 🪦 20 10    
1995 Previous year | Played: 3 | GMed: 1 |
Wolf Jaeger Gehenna 👍📚 | Two episodes, after a late entry into the chronicle, with some in-between game interactions 22      
Mar Dr. Alexander Waldbaum-Smythe The Miskatonic University Alumni Parapsychological Epistemology Discussion Group, Oneological Appreciation Forum and Reading Society 23      
May Tien Te The Chicago Conference 🥇🙏 24      
Oct Valjean Guy Elysium 👍📚🖼️ | Estimate: 9. There were five episodes in the chronicle, along with several inter-sessions events. 33      
1996 Previous year | Played: 13 |
Mar His Grace, Lord Frederick Til Death Do Us Part 🥇💍 34      
Mar Z, a terrorist cat Hairball 35      
Mar Sven Jorgenson What the Cat Dragged In 36      
Mar Lou McAllister Zombies on Ice 👍🧟 37      
Mar Mayor Fred Thornton The Unveiling 😭 38      
Mar Lord Nurem Bel-Nogareth Star Wars: Deal With the Devil 📆🎥 39      
Mar Inc-R-Nat ParanoiaTest 96 40      
Apr Mycroft Holmes Sic Semper Tyrannis 🥇📆🔎 41      
May Dr. Reginald Merrill The Witches of Enfield 🥇📆⛈️ 42      
Jun Ter-R-Ifc ParanoiaFest 96 👍 43      
Jun Jefferson Davis Jackson The Idol Hands of Death V 🪦🌊 | Champaign, IL run 44 11    
Jul Dr. Walter Cameron Paddlewheel 📆 45      
Jul Tom Lankston Six Times Nine: Peripheral Visionaries 📆 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy LARP! 46      
Sep Archer Steel, Primogen of the Toreador, Prince of Worcester Gateways 👍📚🖼️ | Estimate: 7. Four episodes in chronicle, with some between episode events. 53      
Oct Charles Costa Nap Time II 54      
Oct Mr. Whipple Buses Welcome: Open All Night 👍🚍 55      
Oct Infobahn 2000 | Hotel croquet! 56      
Oct General Hiram Talbott Cork I Was a Teenage Mutant From Outer Space 🫡 57      
Oct Robert Haldemeier Way Cool Surfer 58      
Oct William Enfield Jr. Xanodria Horror: ??? 59      
Dec H.P. (Hewlett Packard) Lovecraft Miskatonic Class Reunion 60      
1997 Previous year | Played: 27 | GMed: 1 |
Jan Auveron Pantheon! 61      
Jan Asmodeus, Demon of Hell The Second Circle of Hell 😈 62      
Mar Inspector Javert Broadway on the Rocks, Shaken Not Stirred 📆 63      
Mar Buford Teenage Mystery Dance Party | one of many cartoon dog characters in game 64      
Mar Marcel Battiese Body Count 👍🧛‍♀️ 65      
Mar Dr. Klaus T. Meddler To Hat and Hat Not 66      
Mar Sgt. Patrick Hughes Zombies on Ice II: The Victorians 🧟 67      
Mar Prospero Peredes Conjunction 🥇💜 | Each of us really felt we were the main character. Beautifully done! 68      
Apr Tony "Scooter" Turrelli I Was a Teenage Mutant From Outer Space 69      
May Parker King Dark Summonings: Pwdre Ser 📆📚 | I was an occasional NPC in the southern runs 70      
Jun Sherman Scott A Night At Club Ivory I 🍸 71 12    
Jun Justin Seynoe The Marin County New Age Society 72      
Jul Casey Riordan The Four Aces 📆 73      
Jul Tony "Skids" Petrocelli Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll IV 🎸🤘 74 13    
Aug Panz-R-One Paranoiafest 2/P 1997 75      
Sep Buck Wilco The Morning After 👍📆🫡 76      
Sep Brother Maurice Seeker-of-Light Tabula Rasa v2.0 🥇📆🧠 77      
Oct ??? Gail and Dig's Excellent Playtest 78      
Oct ??? Queen of the Hudson 79      
Oct Lt. Krashd, Ship's Counselor FSS Edsel 👍📺🤣 | The worst ship in Starfleet! 80      
Oct Todd Enfield The Treaty of Berlin III & IV 🕵️‍♀️🤯 | Two parallel runs!?! 81 15    
Nov "Norman" The Minimalist LARP 82      
Dec Detective Diewald The Case of the Murderous Mouse 🔍🖱️ 83 16    
1998 Previous year | Played: 23 | GMed: 5 |
Jan Matthias Peterson Inquiry 📚✍️ | 6 episodes in chronicle, with some in-between character interactions. 89      
Mar Con-chair Intercon the Thirteenth! 🥇🎉🎊 | The first of the modern New England Intercon conventions!       1
Mar Rick Barton Buses Welcome: OJ's Revenge 🚍 90      
Mar Various Walk-Ons Buses Welcome: Open All Night 🚍 91      
Mar Murphy, an 11 year old Priceless 92      
Mar Denton Harris A Night At Club Ivory II 🍸 93 17    
Mar Roger "Bob" Enfield Who Killed the Con-Chair? 94      
Mar BYOG Panel facilitator, Eddie Popular Miskatonic Regional Elementary 95   1  
May Edward Dexter Dark Summonings 96      
May Memmius Junius Silanius Pax Romana 📆 97      
May Bosco Enchanted Laundromat 98      
Jun Toon-R-FSH Paranoiafest 1/S 1998 99      
Jul Admiral Pierre Marechal R.M.S. Titanic 👍📆🧊🛳️ 100      
Aug Archduke Emelric of Beneventia Medieval Fantasy Feast 101      
Oct Captain Jack "Buzz" Jackson Where to Go 102      
Oct Warren (Wanda) Phillips Nepenthe 👍 103      
Oct Antares AURA Live Combat Medieval Fantasy Feast 104      
Oct Heinrich Schlosser Intrigue in the Clouds 🥇💨🦸‍♀️ 105      
Oct Virgil Thorne Balance of Power 🥇📚🖼️ | Estimate: 15. Nine episodes in chronicle, along with several private sessions. We played this nearly 24x7, and I have the artwork painted IC to prove it. 120      
Nov Papal Inquisitor Marco Savonni Mont St. Michel 121      
Dec Captain Jimmy The Final Voyage of the Beary Celeste 👍🧸 122      
1999 Previous year | Played: 39 | GMed: 1 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Feb Sherlock Inigo Montoya Holmes Drink Deep 📆🤺 123      
Mar Staff Intercon XIV | Outreach, plugs, treasurer, etc.       2
Mar Eddie, the Shipboard Computer The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: B Ark 👍 124      
Mar David Wallace, the cook of the Lady Grace Red Skies at Morning 🏴‍☠️ 125      
Mar Co-Host Whose LARP Is It, Anyways? I 👍🎭   18    
Mar Sir Gregory Parsloe-Parsloe Midsummer Mischief 126      
Mar John Wilkes-Booth / Trevor Ponce Spin Cycle 👍🌀 127      
Apr Johan Lorenzen
Spoileraka Septiminus Goring/Argent
The Final Voyage of the Marie Celeste 128      
Jul Mr. G Ricardo's Union Saloon 129      
Jul Dr. Tenchi Nakamura/Megalon Stomp, or 'Oh NO! There Goes Tokyo!' 👍 130      
Jul Sharkey Prawn 🐬 131      
Jul Brian Shaklee Mariner 132      
Jul Constantine Black Strangers In The House 133      
Jul The Sophisticated Spy FOCUS: The Generic Live Action Role Playing Game 🕵️‍♀️ 134      
Jul Taylor Du Montier Mont St. Michel 135      
Aug Wyrmfoe Embers: Midwives, Heart Surfacing 🐺 136      
Oct Relentless Balance O'Meara, Philidox Cliath Embers: Manifest Destiny 🐺 137      
Oct Dr. <something> Masters Timelines 🧠 138      
Nov The Mysterious Stranger FOCUS: The Generic Live Action Role Playing Game 139      
Dec Paula Jennings Miskatonic Class Reunion | female role 140      
Dec Damien Judas 'D.J.' Skinner Revelations 141      
2000 Previous year | Played: 19 | GMed: 1 | Staffed: 1
Jan Nosmoking Miskatonic Archaeological Expedition 142      
Jan H.P. Lovecraft Miskatonic Class Reunion 2000 143      
Jan Marion "Suge" Knight Looking Backwards 144      
Feb Bringer of Weaver's Night, Glasswalker Theurge Regio Embers 📚🐺 | Estimate: 9. Six episodes in chronicle, with some inter-event sessions. 153      
Feb Honor-the-Sabbath Withers Children of the Seed: Founding 154      
Mar Vice-Chair Intercon XV       3
Mar Co-Host Whose LARP Is It, Anyways? II 🎭   19    
Mar Captain Declan Kamins Star Wars: The Phantom Game 🎥 155      
Mar Henry Ascot Port Hidalgo 🏴‍☠️ 156      
Mar Jacob Downing Guy Fawkes Day 157      
Mar Phillip, A Toreador Crossroads 🧛‍♀️ 158      
May Eleazer Learned The Treaty of Stronghold 159      
Jun Mustardseed Shakespeare's Lost Comedy 160      
Jun Co-Author Collision Imminent! I 🚀☄️ | (Intercon 15.5 run)   20 2  
Aug Gabriel Archangels 161      
2001 Previous year | Played: 20 | GMed: 2 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Mar Staff Intercon A       4
Mar Merlin A Medieval Day at the Races 🧙‍♀️ 162      
Mar Co-Author Collision Imminent! II 👍🚀☄️ | Intercon A run   21    
Mar Peter Blake City of Flashlights 👍🤣 163      
Mar Kevin Kowaninski The Man In Black 164      
Apr Evzen Kurakin Evening Child 🥇📚 | Estimate: 12. Several episodes in chronicle, along with several in-between events. This includes my character's funeral, which I organized and played a role as Evzen's brother. 176      
May Captain Jonah Arab Bringing It All Back Home: The Bob Dylan LARP 177      
Jul The first son The Italian Renaissance Wine LARP 178      
Jul Co-Author, The Captive Smart versus the Termite Queen 179 22    
Sep President William Edmonson The Red Sun Trilogy: Part III 180      
Oct The High Priest Interrogation 181      
Oct Shazam House Meeting 182      
Oct Field Marshal Thomas-Robert Bugeaud, Commander of L'Armee Nationale To The Barricades 183      
Oct Calico Jack Rackham Swash And Buckle 🏴‍☠️ 184      
Oct Baron Baden-Powell of Gilwell R.M.S. Empress of Syrtis 185      
Oct Various Articles of Clothing You Are Drew's Pants 186      
Nov Ashley Dupree The Curse of Whately's Mythos 187      
Nov Dr. P. D. Wacker The Kinsey Institute for Sexual Studies 188      
Nov Interstellar Alliance Trade Mediator Gregory Welles Babylon 5: Turning Tides 📺 189      
2002 Previous year | Played: 28 | GMed: 2 | Staffed: 1
Feb John Schuyler Moore Drink Deeper 📆📰 190      
Mar Staff Intercon B       5
Mar Rocky Ledge Slave Girls of the Terror Dome 💩 191      
Mar Stu Mojave Shut Up and Play Your Guitar 192      
Mar Bemakinda The Cardolani Succession 193      
Mar King Oberon Elfwhere II: Heart's Desire 👍👑 194      
Mar Max Holbrook The Uncivilized Guest 195      
Mar A Zombie The Con of the Living Dead 196      
Jun Pierre St. Germain/The Specter Torch of Freedom 👍📆🦸‍♀️ 197      
Jun Co-Author The Temple of the Crimson Moon 🌗   23 3  
Sep Blake Hartford Dark Summonings 📚 | 3 episodes and a series of postcards from Europe 200      
Sep Cast Broadway on the Rocks, With a Twist 201      
Oct Dr. Peter Clavier Null Echo 202      
Oct Salvidore "Big Sal" Uccisione Trapped 203      
Oct Ira Hell to Pay 204      
Oct Pvt. Schulz, Sgt. Roberts, Cpl. Stark, and Han Min Minefield 205      
Oct Phillip, A Toreador Crossroads II ‐ Balance of Power 🧛‍♀️ 206      
Oct Balthasar Quinn The Newark Chronicles 207      
Nov Dr. Abraham van Helsing The Curse of Whately's Mausoleum 208      
Nov Co-Author You'll Be Safe Here I ⚠️   24    
2003 Previous year | Played: 19 | GMed: 2 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Jan Co-Author Collision Imminent! III 🚀☄️ | Arisia '03 run   25    
Feb Bid Committee Chair Intercon C       6
Feb Martin Cooper House on the Hill 209      
Mar Gene Yeats Carpathian Night | A Nordic LARP! 210      
Mar Eeth Koth Future's Hope 🎥 211      
Mar Kuno The School for Young Women Specializing in the Arts of Grace and Maidenly Submission 212      
Mar Co-Author You'll Be Safe Here II ⚠️   26    
Mar Robin Howard Panel: the LARP 213      
Apr Co-Author Collision Imminent! IV 🚀☄️ | OurCon XII run   27    
May Blake Hartford Dark Summonings: West Virginia 🍳 214      
Jun Professor Ingrid Vasser Eye of the Storm | female role 215      
Jun Eddy Little Petshop of Horrors 216      
Jun Vel Limbo: A Minimalist LARP 217      
Jun Davis Clark, Co-Author <the unnamed game> ⭕️ | See the notes in the linked game site 218 28    
Nov Co-Author Collision Imminent! V 🚀☄️ | WPI SFS run   29    
2004 Previous year | Played: 10 | GMed: 5 | Staffed: 1
Jan Detective Almond, other NPCs 1948: Signals ‐ New Jersey 219      
Feb Otho/Lord Duke Radamant Tales of Pendragon 👍👑 | Inspiration for Across the Sea of Stars! 220      
Mar Bid Committee Chair Intercon D       7
Mar Halgo Gorzann Barad-Wath 221      
Mar The Beast, Prince Michael Grimm Tales 222      
Mar Mikhael Ivanovitch Petrov Csh'taa 👍👩‍🚀 223      
Mar Lord Aremis, Rector of the 13th Floor Evermore: Faerie Tales from the Dark Side 224      
Mar Pop The League of Extraordinary Breakfast Cereals 👍🥣 225      
May Detective Almond, other NPCs 1948: Signals ‐ Virginia 226      
Jul Guillame St.-Etienne La Soiree Finale 227      
Jul Co-Author Collision Imminent! VI 🚀☄️ | Dexcon VII run   30    
Jul Arcadius 'Alf' Bartholomew Calder Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers Present An Evening of Indian Intrigue | Character who ran the LARP for the other characters 228      
Oct Giuseppe Verdi Brassy's Men: A Night at the Royal Italian Opera 229      
Oct ??? Crisis: Apollo 👩‍🚀 230      
Oct Quintus Horatius aka Horace Orgia ad Domus Lomaximus 231      
Nov Frye The Curse of Whately's Monster 👍🧌 | Igor! 232      
Nov Various NPCs 1948: Signals ‐ Ellesmere 233      
2005 Previous year | Played: 15 | GMed: 1 | Staffed: 1
Mar Bid Committee Intercon E       8
Mar Maxwell Pierce Casino Xeno 234      
Mar Horde The Scrying Game 235      
Mar Sir James Croft All's Well That Ends | respected Lord Chamberlain 236      
Mar Arcadius 'Alf' Bartholomew Calder/King Arthur Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers present The Matter of Britain 👑 237      
Mar Sherman Hornes Intrigue Beneath the Waves 🛟 | aka Sherlock Holmes 238      
Mar Co-Author Dustpan: the LARP I 👍🧹 | Intercon E run   31    
Oct Lightning, the resurrected Baron Blitzkrieg A Night at the Dead Fern Bar 🦸‍♀️ 239      
Oct Kelvin Celsius Arkham on Five Sanity Points A Day 🤯 240      
Oct Ho Sen Yankee: Version 1.9 It's Just a Game 241      
Oct Co-Author Dustpan: the LARP II 🧹 | Intercon XX run   32    
2006 Previous year | Played: 8 | GMed: 2 | Staffed: 1
??? Unknown LARPs ??? | This is where the unknown events are inserted 244      
Mar Bid Committee Intercon F       9
Mar Author Across the Sea of Stars I 👍✨ | Intercon F run   33    
Nov Gimel Tempus Frangit 245      
Nov Mitlon, the Technical Lead Plan Eight From Outer Space 👍🤣 246      
Nov Petty Officer Thomas Tilman Void Stalkers: Preflight 247      
Nov Bhima Mahabarata 248      
2007 Previous year | Played: 7 | GMed: 1 | Staffed: 1
Mar Bid Committee Intercon G       10
Mar J Unhallowed University 249      
Mar Flavius Cominius, High Priest of Mars SPQR 250      
Mar Don Donald Donson Fire on High 251      
Mar Theopholous DuMedd Girl Genius: Agatha Heterodyne and The Perfect Construct 252      
Mar Co-Author Collision Imminent! VII 🚀☄️ | Intercon G run   34    
Apr Lewis Deacon Alice 253      
Apr Ra Divus Ex: Convocation 254      
Apr Chris Isaac Rubinowitz Kind Friends Together 255      
Jun Dr. Lowell Cooper Void Stalkers 📚 | Episode 1 256      
Oct Michael Tengen / The Dragon Project DIANA 257      
Nov The Caliph, King Shahryar Grimmer Tales: Arabian Nights 258      
Nov Black Paw Wolfpack 🐺 259      
Nov Joseph "Shadow Jack" Grundy Happily Ever After 260      
2008 Previous year | Played: 12 | GMed: 1 | Staffed: 1
Jan Dr. Lowell Cooper Void Stalkers | Episode 2 261      
Mar Bid Committee Intercon H       11
Feb Virgil Keyes Desperadoes Under the Eaves 262      
Mar Reverend Elijah Stott Railways and Respectability 263      
Mar Edward Barton-Wright Survivors of the Naronic 🛟 264      
Mar Samuel Watson Salem is Burning 265      
Mar Tom Graves Purging Purgatory 266      
Apr Tamas Valappil The Last Seder 👍 267      
Apr Chief Marchinetti Marlowe 2020 268      
Apr Sebastian Kue Also Sprach Übermensch 269      
Jun Dr. Lowell Cooper Void Stalkers | Episode 3 270      
Jul Crowl aka Doug Price The Island 👍📆🐺 | Beast-Man 271      
Sep Oliver Warbucks Lullaby of Broadway I 📆🎶 272      
2009 Previous year | Played: 12 | Staffed: 1
Mar Bid Committee Intercon I       12
Mar Spock Story Wars: Episode Six ‐ Return of the Princess Bride 🖖 273      
Mar Author Across the Sea of Stars II ✨ | Intercon I run   35    
Mar Snorri Sturluson Time Travel Review Board 274      
Oct Coalhouse Walker Jr. Lullaby of Broadway II 📆🎶 275      
2010 Previous year | Played: 3 | GMed: 1 | Staffed: 1
Feb Dr. William Gilbert 'W.G.' Grace 1897 ‐ Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee 👍📆🏏 276      
Mar Bid Committee Intercon J       13
Mar Gangazara, the Vizier's Son Grimmer Tales: Jungle Book 277      
Mar Co-Author Collision Imminent! VIII 🚀☄️ | Intercon J run   36    
Mar Nick Charles Murder By Death 🔍 278      
Mar Edward Barton-Wright Ghosts of Urquhart 279      
Apr Virgil "The Ferryman" Cole Redemption 280      
Apr Devonshire Robertson Two Hours in London 281      
Oct Arthur, King of the Britons Lullaby of Broadway III 🥇📆🎶👑 282      
Oct Dr. Edward "Ted" Wilson The Curse of Whately's Moonbase 👍👩‍🚀 283      
2011 Previous year | Played: 8 | GMed: 1 | Staffed: 1
Feb Amnesiac crew member (Mendez) Sky No Longer Blue 🧠 284      
Mar Bid Committee Intercon K       14
Mar George Jones The Clockwork Café 285      
Mar Co-Author Dustpan: the LARP III 🧹 | Intercon K run   37    
Mar Solar Eclipse Galaxy Comics Presents: Identity Crisis 🦸‍♀️ 286      
Mar Bernie Arbalest Life at the Securemarket 287      
Mar Chief O'Hara The Other Other* All-Batman Game 👍🦇🤣 288      
Mar Lutin d'Aubergine Operation: Atlantis 289      
Mar Author Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll 👍🎸🤘 | 25th anniversary run   38    
Jul Secretary Gutierrez Resonance 🧠 | Amnesia game 290      
Jul Ben Cox Stars over Atlantis 291      
Sep Jack Reunions 292      
Sep Rufio Leonidas Oz 293      
Sep Antoine House of the Rising Sun 294      
Sep Lt. Col. Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair Shadow over Shanghai 📆🫡🔍 | First Wilmark Dynasty event 295      
Sep Albert Otmar L'Enfer C'est les Autres 296      
Sep Pontifex Gunter 31 Forgotten Flavors 297      
Sep Various roles (H1-H12) The Road Not Taken 298      
Sep Mike Keegan/Hamlet/Romeo Virtual Bard 299      
Sep Ivan Barbalić IT IS NEAR PLUTO 🛸 300      
Oct Mayor Lawrence Murphy Tombstone 📆🪦 301      
Oct Greg Orkin Serendipity Station | Episode 5 302      
Oct Armand d'Orléans A Dance of Flame and Shadow 303      
Nov Andreas Friedrich The Curse of Whately's Mayans 👍 304      
Nov Professor William James Hall Secrets of the Necronomicon 📆 305      
Nov Jack, the Founder Lux 306      
Dec Kateb, the Scribe Stars of Al-Ashtara 👍 307      
Dec Emmett Lynch Murder at the Fourth Leaf 308      
2012 Previous year | Played: 25 | GMed: 2 | Staffed: 1
Jan Michelangelo Buonarotti Venezia 👩‍🎨 309      
Mar Bid Committee Intercon L       15
Mar Tinker Romulus Unhallowed Metropolis: Parliament of Ghouls 310      
Mar Alarac Zeton The Madrian Secret 311      
Mar Ben Lassell The Linfarn Run 🥇📚🚀 312      
Mar Wanchese: King of the Powhatan tribes Roanoke 313      
Mar Shipwreck G.I. Joe: The Minotaur's Labyrinth 👍🤣 314      
Mar Captain Descartes The King's Musketeers 📆🤺 315      
Apr The Biology professor Days End 🧟‍♀️ 316      
Apr Jimmy "Foo-Foo" McAllister The Free Animals' Republic of MacDonald Presents the Trial of the Big Bad Wolf, to Be Immediately Followed By His Execution, In Honor of Our First Anniversary 317      
Apr Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton High Tea 🫖 318      
Apr General Raphael Andreasson Folding the River 👍🫡 319      
Apr Neil Sibrian Yo Dog, I heard you like LARPs 320      
May Red Part of Her Design 321      
Jul Co-Author The Barbecue 🍗   39 4  
Jul Milo A Garden of Forking Paths 322      
Aug Author Across the Sea of Stars III ✨ | Brandeis/Dia de los Sobres II run   40    
Sep Mark Kane Happy Birthday Cthulhu 323      
Nov Heshannus A Crown of Hearts 👑 324      
Nov Co-Author Collision Imminent! X 🚀☄️ | SLAW 2012 run   41    
Nov Steven Sanders, Mayor of Bismarck, North Dakota The Passage 👍 325      
2013 Previous year | Played: 17 | GMed: 3 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Jan Rupert Giles To Be Continued 📚📺 | Episode 1 326      
Mar Bid Committee Intercon M       16
Mar Casey LARPers Anonymous 👍😭 327      
Mar Co-Author Collision Imminent! XII 🚀☄️ | Intercon M run   42    
Mar Hugh Sheppard A Turn on the Radiance Rose 🥇🚂 328      
Mar Ben Orban The Koenig Dead 🚀 329      
Mar Marc Antony Happily Ever After? 👍👑 330      
Apr Brian Haven 331      
Apr Mal Star-crossed 332      
Apr Jamie McKinnon Mirror / The Other Side of the Glass 🪞 | female role 333      
Apr Moonshine River Crotchety Old Folks With Shotguns 334      
Jan Rupert Giles To Be Continued 📺 | Episode 2 335      
Jul Henry Avery Devil to Pay 336      
Jul Derek Sloane The Prince Comes of Age 337      
Aug Co-Author The Night Queen Princess Fluffykins Passed I 👍🐈 | NELCO run   43 5  
Nov Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 1 👍🤖 | Playtest run   44    
Nov Co-Author The Night Queen Princess Fluffykins Passed II 🐈 | SLAW run   45    
Nov Kelim-Het Scheherazade ✈️ 338      
Nov Captain John Commodus Church The Deliverance ✈️ 339      
Nov Hugo Weasley James Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts ✈️ 340      
Nov Matthew Wyatt All's Well That Ends ✈️ 341      
Nov Lord Harcourt Horn-Armstrong Space Shuttle Diplomacy ✈️ 342      
Nov A random, terrible character Come Die With Me 💩✈️ 343      
Nov Phineas Rambaldi Clockwork Convergence ✈️ 344      
Nov Horde Dr. Nefarious and the Paradise Project ✈️ 345      
Nov Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 2 🤖 | TNT run   46    
2014 Previous year | Played: 20 | GMed: 5 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Jan Rupert Giles To Be Continued 📺 | Episode 4 346      
Feb Bid Committee Intercon N       17
Feb Phil Clarke Hello, You Must Be... 👍📺🕚 | Doctor Who! 347      
Feb Assistant (Quest) GM A Crown of Hearts 👍👑   47    
Mar Co-Author The Night Queen Princess Fluffykins Passed III 🐈 | Intercon N run   48    
Mar Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 3-6 🤖 | Intercon N runs   49    
Mar Eric Young Cultists In Love: The Stars Are Right ‐ For ROMANCE! 348      
Mar Captain Yuri Popov K300: Nyet SOS! 🫡 349      
Apr James Otis Jr. Mayfair in the Colonies 350      
Apr Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 7-10 🤖 | Fiestaval runs   50    
Apr Reuben Pantier Epitaphs 351      
Aug Co-Author This Time For Sure: Boris Badenov's Gulag for Unrepentant Children I 👍💣 | NELCO run   51 6  
Nov Bob, the LARP Organizer The Great After-Party ✈️ 352      
Nov Charlie 4 ✈️ 353      
Nov Cooper Richards Antarctica Station 13 ✈️ 354      
Nov GM Hello, You Must Be... 👍✈️📺🕚 | Heroic Consequences runs, watching Brits play Doctor Who 🥰   52    
Nov Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 13-14 ✈️🤖 | Heroic Consequences runs   53    
Nov Captain Alix Orban The Kouros Intercept ✈️🚀 355      
2015 Previous year | Played: 10 | GMed: 7 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Feb Bid Committee Intercon O       18
Feb Helmsman Woolf Barnett Shadow Over Mars 356      
Feb Captain Rafe Garcia Critical Path 357      
Feb GM Hello, You Must Be... 📺🕚 | Intercon O runs   54    
Feb Author Across the Sea of Stars IV ✨ | Intercon O run   55    
Mar Horde Her Eternal Majesty's Privy Council for the Continual Funding of the Mad Arts & Sciences 358      
Apr GM Hello, You Must Be... 📺🕚 | Festival of LARPs X run   56    
Apr Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 17-19 🤖 | Festival of LARPs X runs   57    
Apr Inquisitive/Skeptical aspects of Shannon O'Malley Spring River 359      
May Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 20-21 🤖 | Day of Tales runs   58    
May Stompy aka The Graceful Sun Stompy Stompdotirsen Compost Tales 👍🦖🤣 360      
Jul Aleister Crowley Prestidigitation 361      
Aug Co-Author A Second Chance for Wings 1-2 🚀 | NELCO 2015 runs   59 7  
Sep Calla (Sister) the inversion of me and my room 👍😵‍💫 362      
Oct Lord John Roxton The Curse of Whately's Mysterious Island 👍 363      
Oct Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 22 🤖 | Chicago road trip run   60    
Nov C. Zontar, Professor of Alchemy College of Wizardry 4 👍📆✈️🪄 | Czocha Castle, Poland 364      
Nov Bid Committee Imaginary Consequences       19
Nov Py Small World ✈️ 365      
Nov Teddy Love Letter 👍✈️📪 366      
Feb GM Hello, You Must Be... ✈️📺🕚 | Imaginary Consequences runs   61    
Nov Captain Alix Orban The Constanta Blockade ✈️🚀 367      
Nov Walter Marshall Burning Orchid 🥇✈️🤠😭 368      
Nov Guildford "Goldie" Locks Goldilocks, Frocks, and Two Stinking Barrels ✈️ 369      
2016 Previous year | Played: 14 | GMed: 8 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 2
Feb Bid Committee Intercon P       20
Feb Dan Cast Party 370      
Feb GM Hello, You Must Be... 📺🕚 | Intercon P runs   62    
Feb Co-Author Collision Imminent! Cruise XIII 🚀☄️ | Intercon P run   63    
Feb Brennan House of Becoming 👍 371      
Feb Co-Author Dustpan: the LARP IV 🧹 | Intercon P run   64    
Feb Edgar Eakins Drink Me 👍 372      
Mar John Tartaglione Ex Ignorantia 373      
Apr Dr. Basil Ganglia The Love Craft 🤣 374      
Apr The Detective The Bell 375      
Apr Author Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll 👍🎸🤘 | 30th anniversary run   65    
Apr Gerald Fitzroy Woodplum House 376      
May Panelist (2 panels), Presenter Living Games Conference 2016       21
May Emilio Álvarez Montalván Sign 👍👋 | Mute students building their own sign language! 377      
Jul Bartholomew "Bertie" Coakley, Professor of Alchemy New World Magischola 3 📆🪄 | University of Richmond, Virginia 378 66    
Aug Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 👍🪐 | NELCO 2016 run   67 8  
Sep Co-Author, Alexandria Adrift on the Starry Sky 3 🪐 | Nashua run 379 68    
Oct Philip Marlowe Café Casablanca 👍📆🔍 380      
Nov Bid Committee Judicious Consequences       22
Nov Various Roles Playtest of some "Across the Universe" materials ✈️ 381      
Nov Colonel Harry Orchard M*A*S*H: Brothers in Arms ✈️ 382      
Nov Erik Bjornsson Saga of the Lost ✈️ 383      
Nov Leader C'T'Chang, Expedition Leader Omega Expedition ✈️ 384      
Nov Cyprian Queen of Denial ✈️ 385      
Nov Mr. Barraclough Will That Be All? 👍✈️ 386      
2017 Previous year | Played: 17 | GMed: 7 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 3
Feb Bid Committee Intercon Q       23
Feb Sextem Exeunt 387      
Feb GM Will That Be All? | Intercon Q run   69    
Feb TNT Point of Contact, Co-Author This Time For Sure: Boris Badenov's Gulag for Unrepentant Children 💣 | Intercon Q run   70    
Feb Co-Author, Alexandria Adrift on the Starry Sky 5 🪐 | Intercon Q run 388 71    
Feb Dr. Sasha King Ex Nihilo 389      
Feb Co-GM, with Sue L. Burning Orchid 👍 | Intercon Q run   72    
Feb Xan Jiness Venting Day 390      
Feb Player C, in various roles Tales From the Cradle 👍👽 391      
Apr Doctor Lamb AURs: Alternate Universe Refugees 392      
Apr Scuffle Scale 393      
Apr Sir Lancelot du Lac, Knight of the Round Table Kingsword 👑 394      
Apr Ray Gillette Danger Zone: Crossing the Streams 395      
Apr Oakley Roy The Day We Came Home 396      
Jul Bartholomew "Bertie" MacKehilly, Professor of Alchemy New World Magischola 5 📆🪄 | University of William and Mary, Virginia 397 73    
Jul Kilvin All Stories Are True 398      
Jul Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 27 🤖 | Summer LARPin' run   74    
Nov Bid Committee K Consequences       24
2018 Previous year | Played: 12 | GMed: 6 | Staffed: 2
Feb Bid Committee Intercon R       25
Feb Bartholomew "Bertie" Coakley, Professor of Alchemy A Wolf By Any Other Name 🪄 399      
Feb Moses Diamond Geezers 400      
Feb Lloyd "Lefty" DiMaggio Volcano's Edge 401      
Feb Jela Olokwe Whispers 402      
Feb Alix Orban The Markov Solution 👍🚀 403      
Feb Co-Author A Night At Club Ivory III 🍸 | Intercon R run   75    
Feb Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 🪐 | Intercon R run   76    
Apr Dean Martin Thicker Than Water 404      
Apr Jack Pickens Ballad of Jess-Belle 405      
Apr Tim Smith Vanishing Point 1 406      
Jun Bartholomew "Bertie" Coakley, Professor of Alchemy New World Magischola 9 📆🪄 | Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts 407 77    
Jul Bob the Beholder Dungeon Owners Association 408      
Jul Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 🪐 | Summer LARPin' run   78    
Aug Ernest Starr Blackwell 409      
Nov Henry Tunstall Once Upon a Time in Tombstone 📆🪦 410      
2019 Previous year | Played: 12 | GMed: 4 | Staffed: 1
Jan Co-Author Level Up 👍🎮📀 | Iron GM Writing Session     9  
Feb Bid Committee Intercon S       26
Feb Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 🪐 | Intercon S run   79    
Feb Stephen Thompson, Raul Bhatt, Left-Leaning Media (MSNBC) Public Memory: When History Isn't Universal 411      
Feb Pat Grandma’s Resting Place 👍😭 412      
Feb Terry Better Living Through Robotics 413      
Feb Colonel (retired) Mátyás Varga Shadows Over Falkonia 📚🫡 414      
Feb Renn Etrova Ars Longa 415      
Feb Co-Author Level Up 🎮📀 | Iron GM entrant, Intercon S run   80    
Feb President George Washington The Room Where It Happens 416      
Mar Ensign Sui One For All 417      
Mar Sir Bedivere The Trial of Lancelot 418      
Mar Mentis Into the Silent Sea 👍 419      
Mar Admiral R. Van Ornsted But Thinking Makes It So 420      
Apr Theo The Leonids 421      
Apr Co-Author Level Up 🎮📀 | 2 Festival 2019 runs   82    
Apr Brother Jonathan, of the Quasiveritable One Flew Over the Cloud-Cuckoo's Nest 422      
Apr Co-Author The Night Queen Princess Fluffykins Passed 🐈 | Festival 2019 run   83    
Apr Tony Stephens Spellbound! 423      
Jul Deucalion Feast of the Minotaur 424      
Jul Co-Author Level Up 🎮📀 | Summer LARPin' 2019 run   84    
Aug Author Across the Sea of Stars V 🥇✨ | RPI 2019 run   85    
Nov Mul Dornak Tabula Rasa 📆🧠 425      
2020 Previous year | Played: 15 | GMed: 7 | BYOG: 1 | Staffed: 1
Feb Feline/Panther/Lynx So It Seems a Solstice 426      
Feb Vizier Zubair The Stars of Al-Ashtara 427      
Feb Atlas Nova The Will of the Kingdom 428      
Feb Annas of Malacor, the Crow Knight Inheritance 429      
Feb Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 28, 29 🤖 | Dice Bubble 2020 runs   86    
Feb Staff Volunteer Intercon T       27
Feb Professor Ian Rutherford, Natural Sciences The Drinklings 430      
Feb John Clancey Lift Off 👩‍🚀 431      
Feb "Firefighter" Unheroes 👍🦸‍♀️ 432      
Feb Eugene Thompson What I Did On My Summer Vacation 433      
Feb Kanak Dorking Fading Lights 434      
Feb General Mátyás Varga Memories of Falkonia 🫡 435      
Feb Hero First Class Loremarker Heroes of Dunshire 436      
Mar Victor Lazlo A Dream is Just a Dream 437      
Jul Celestine Mangata The Space Between Us 🥇💻✈️🚀😭 | run from Germany 438      
Jul Casey Storn, the Paleontologist LORE: Live Online Raptor Experience 💻 439      
Jul F. Astin A Squadron Story 💻🚀 440      
Jul George Russell Debrief 💻 441      
Jul Rooney, navigator of the When Push Comes to Shove Space Date 💻✈️ | run from Australia 442      
Aug Silvi* (they/them) Four Lovers 💻 443      
Sep Abbie Rosen The Karma Club 💻 444      
Sep Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | Wilmark Dynasty LARP-a-Thon run   87    
Sep Jack Briarwood Alice is Missing 💻 445      
Sep Xa Ghosts 👍💻 446      
Oct Glenn da Lamia Storm Cellar 💻 447      
Oct Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 👍💻📖 | "Chris Asks Nicely" run   88    
Oct Dr. Norton The Judgement of Solomon 💻✈️ | run from England 448      
Oct FREDDIE aka Frequently Reincarnating Electronic Deceased Dialogue Interface Equipment The Gig at the End of the Universe 💻✈️ | run from England 449      
Oct Captain Aral Vorkosigan Waiting 💻✈️ | run from England 450      
Oct Franklin Smith, Architect Set Sail For Disaster 💻✈️ 451      
Oct Phoenix C Animus 2 💻✈️ | run from Italy 452      
Nov Wyre, of a Mysterious Realm A Year and a Day 💻 453      
Nov Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 📖 | Kristen Yard LARPing [indoors] run   89    
Nov Karl Fischer/Carl Fisher Winning the Peace 💻✈️ | run from England 454      
Nov Armand Lenoir Curse of the Pharaoh 🥇💻✈️🤣 | run from England 455      
Nov Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | Notorious Consequences run, with UK and US players   90    
Dec Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | Greater Boston LARP Society run   91    
Dec Captain Jean Nimoy Gleam 💻🛸 456      
Dec Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | Virtual Space Bubble run   92    
Dec Sage Hero Time! 💻 457      
Dec Ångstrom, a Fortunae (AI) The Fortunate Ones 🥇💻🤖 458      
2021 Previous year | Played: 33 | GMed: 7 | Staffed: 1
Feb Seq Imprint 💻 459      
Feb Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | Extracon 2021 run   93    
Feb Matthew Brandt The Bloom of May 💻 460      
Mar Scientist Pat Holmes TMF Hope 💻 461      
Mar Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 2 💻📖 | Playtest   94    
Apr Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | LRS run   95    
Apr Charlie Lee Little Saucer on the Prairie 💻👽 | Extracon 2021 Iron GM Playtest 462      
Apr Echo Blake (Cop) Rebel Propagation 💻 | Extracon 2021 Iron GM Playtest 463      
May Co-author The Journey of a Single Step Made Quadrillions of Times 💻👣 | Playtest   96 10  
May Co-author Culture Crash 👍💻✈️👽💥 | Peaky UK playtest, with UK and US players   97 11  
May Co-author Quest for Knowledge 💻☄️ | Peaky Midwest playtest, with US players across the country   98 12  
May Roger Windham Prisoners of Memory 💻 464      
May Saint Margaret of Antioch The Passion of Joan 💻 465      
Jun Bechtel "Beck" Zahradnik A Ship By Any Other Name 💻🌳 466      
Jun G aka Gray Conscientia 👍💻🧠 467      
Jun Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 💻📖 | Summer LARPin' 2021 run   99    
Jun Captain Hshili Arganon Contact 💻 468      
Jun Javier, the Cheese Maker Club Samsara 💩💻 469      
Jun Dr. Chimichanga 867-5309 Ph.D. (cyborg professor) [CITATION NEEDED] 💻 470      
Jul Co-author Culture Crash 👍👽💥 | Run #2, Canton, MA in-person   100    
Aug Mr. Charles Bingley Tea at Longbourn | in-person 471      
Nov Co-author Culture Crash 💻✈️👽💥 | Run #4, Otherworldly Consequences, virtual   101    
Nov Robert More Than Friendship 👍💻✈️ 472      
Nov Chris Pillow Talk 👍💻✈️ 473      
Nov Alir of Sortov Spacetime Convergence 💻✈️ 474      
Nov Alex The Last Time (Not the Last Time) 👍💻✈️⌛️ 475      
2022 Previous year | Played: 17 | GMed: 9 | BYOG: 3 |
Feb Dr. Erica Blake DVM The Roswell Incident 👍💻✈️📚👽 | Fermi Paradox Episode 1, run from the UK 476      
Apr Dr. Erica Blake All Flesh Is Grass 👍💻✈️👽 | Fermi Paradox Episode 2, run from the UK. First LARP as Jenny 477      
Apr Historian of the Erin Written by the Victors 💻 | Writing the history of a nasty war 478      
Apr Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 👍💻📖 | Time Bubble 2022 run (#10!)   102    
Apr Prime Shiral Nebula's Edge 💻 479      
Apr Robert Hooper Cold Blood 👍💻🔍 | Murder mystery detection! 480      
May Jay Fitzgerald Reunion With Death 💻✈️ | Run from the UK, with players from many countries 481      
Aug Andrea Allen, KRMK News Anchor News of the Apocalypse 👍💻📰 | Small, simple, intense, and chewy! Semi-stable Universe FTW! (+3) 482      
Sep Gwendolyn Mayfair, Grande Dame of 1932 Hollywood On Location 🥇📆⭐️🎬 | First public in-person LARP as Jenny! Weekend-long! 483      
Sep Gillyflower Mirror-World 👍💻🧚‍♀️ | 2 player LARP 484      
Sep Dr. Erica Blake, founder of the US’s Xenobiology Forensic Investigation of Life and Extra-terrestrial Science Working Group Children of the Stars 💻✈️👽 | Fermi Paradox Episode 3, run from the UK. 485      
Sep Author The Chalice 👍🍷😭 | First playtest, in person! First LARP written by Jenny! 💜💜💜   103    
Oct Author The Chalice 👍💻🍷 | Second playtest, first virtual run!   104    
Oct Author The Chalice 💻🍷 | Run #3, Virtual run #2!   105    
Oct Bali di Bonavia Should You Need Us | In-person larger game 486      
Oct Lione Enzo, Head of the House of Diamonds The Hand You're Dealt ♦️ | Start of Dice Bubble 2022 487      
Oct Mebh MacTire Song of the Sea 🐺 488      
Oct Persephone, Queen of the Underworld Wait for Me 489      
Oct Ace-in-the-Hole After the Crisis 🦸‍♀️ 490      
Oct Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 🪐 | Dice Bubble 2022 run   106    
Nov Author The Chalice 💻🍷 | Run #4, Virtual run #3!   107    
Dec Author The Chalice 💻🍷 | Run #7! My 5th run.   108    
2023 Previous year | Played: 15 | GMed: 7 | BYOG: 1 |
Mar Unofficial Outreach Cheerleader Intercon U        
Mar Dorothy Nash, Assistant Director A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Toon Town 👍🎬 491      
Mar Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 1 👍📖 | Intercon U run (#11)   109    
Mar Co-author Tales of the Future Volume 2 👍📖 | Intercon U run (#2)   110    
Mar Abigail Tyler Sub Rosa 492      
Mar Heir to the Throne Nova Allorian Sins of the Others 👸 | (Ditsy Space) Princess #1 493      
Mar Princess Mary Stuart Principia Mathemagica: The Secret Council of 1688 👸 | Princess #2 494      
Mar Lady Evaine The Lady in the Tower 👍👸 | Princess #3 495      
Mar Camille Walker Blood, Sweat and Tears 👩‍🎤 | artist, using iPad in game 496      
Apr Co-Author The Tales of Irnh 🤖 | Run #30 at Time Bubble. Parallel Run #31 by Will Fergus   111    
Apr Xi Time Crash Resurrection at Hawaii University497      
Apr Jeanne Lilac Chaconne 498      
Apr Zoë This Can Be True If We Say So | Virtual 499      
May Dr. Erica Blake, Director of Xenobiology for the International Alien Research Task Force (IARTF) Messages from Callisto 💻✈️👽 | Fermi Paradox Episode 4, run from the UK. 500      
Jul Andromeda After the End 501      
Jul Author The Chalice 🍷 | Summer LARPin' 2023 run #1   112    
Jul Author The Chalice 🍷 | Summer LARPin' 2023 run #2   113    
Jul Mia the Actor and Mother The Seventh Seal: The Movie: The Opera: The LARP 👍😭☠️ | Cried a lot and died! 502      
Jul Cwene Linda/Mother of the New People Let’s You and Him Flyte ☠️ | Died again! 503      
Jul Rayen, the Shopkeeper Flowers that Grow from Cracks in the Pavement 🥇😭☠️ | Cried a lot and died, yet again! 504      
Jul Charlie (she/her) Measure Twice 👍😭🫂 | So many tears! 505      
Jul Ox’s Back In the Hall of the Bandit King 506      
Aug Author The Chalice 🍷 | Run #10!   114    
Sep Ada Rushmore aka Rush, Adrenalines (American) Goddess of Drugs On the Rocks 👍📆⭐️💋💊 | More sex and drugs in this LARP than all the previous 500+ combined! 507      
Sep Ilia (human) Familiar Ties 👍😭 508      
Sep Calla (guest) the inversion of me and my room 🥇😭 | So many emotions, so many tears! COVID followed me home 😭 509      
2024 Previous year | Played: 19 | GMed: 6 |
Jan Melody aka Dee aka 'Little Song' (she/her) Friends Help You Pack 👍🎨😭🫂 | A great life, across 50+ years, with tears 510      
Jan Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 🪐 | Greater Boston LARP Society run   115    
Feb Unofficial Outreach Cheerleader Intercon V        
Feb Karen Straight The Straights are Not Okay 511      
Feb Diane, CEO Source Code 512      
Mar Queen Mabel of Renlin The Princess of Norland 513      
Mar Co-Author Adrift on the Starry Sky 🪐 | Intercon V run   116    
Mar Max, the Astronomer Panic! in Low Orbit 👍🚀 | Space geek joy! 514      
Mar Mellifluent, Cleric It Starts and Ends in Tiers 👍👸 | Highest class arrogant, bossy, princess 515      
Mar Isabelle "Izzy" Sheridan/Iseult The Once and Future Court 🥇❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️ | I used 20% of a box of Kleenex. ❤️ Tristan ❤️ forever! ❤️ 516      
Mar The Field Surgeon The Crossroads 517      
Mar Margo Moonrise SWAP-O-MAGIC™ ⭐️ | 2nd place Iron GM game 518      
Apr Roxxy Molotov The Man in the Tower: Unrest in the City ⭐️🏎️🤼‍♀️ 519      
Apr Queen Guinevere Camelot Court of Love 👍👸❤️ | Amazing banter/flirting with Morgan! This completes the Camelot Trifecta: Guinevere ✅, Arthur ✅, Lancelot ✅ 520      
Apr Fashion Designer Barbie Come On Barbie, Let's Go Party 🩷👗👠 | Wore an actual designer dress! 521      
Apr Marissa Grant/Amy Nixon, Shana Black All the Days of My Children Hospital 📺 | Soap opera; Season 45, Episodes 104-106, 2 characters 522      
Apr Author Force Multiplier 👍✨⚔️ | Relaxicon 2024 run — the first run!   117    
May Author Force Multiplier 👍✨⚔️ | Run #2, on May the Fourth, Star Wars Day, with another incredible cast   118    
May Popov Empress of India ⭐️ | Opera diva; applauded at end of game for my performance 💜 523      
Jun Dr. Astrid Norris, United Nations Extraterrestrial Taskforce (UNET) President The Stars our Destination 💻✈️👽 | Fermi Paradox Episode 5, run from the UK. 524      
Jul Barbie (Director of Dreamtopia National Laboratory) Barbenheimer 🩷👗👠 | A mashup of Space Scientist Barbie, Robert Oppenheimer, and Leo Szilard⁉️💜 525      
Jul Author Force Multiplier 👍✨⚔️ | Run #3, with another incredible cast   119    
Jul Egret/Euphonia Nester Growing Up in Flames 😭 | The interesting life of a phoenix 🔥 526      
Jul Rain/Mąʼii The Divine Fleet | A god/starship Tales game, with dancing (in heels) 527      
Jul Johanna van Helsing Come What May! — A Moulin Rouge LARP | Dealing with a vampire, Dr. Frankenstein, and Sherlock Holmes! 528      
Summary (last year) played: 19 | GMed: 5 |
Summary (all years) Played: 528
GMed: 119
New England Intercon GM Runs: 32
BYOG: 13
Staffed: 27
📆 Weekend long: 40
💻 Virtual LARPs: 66
✈️ Run Outside of the US : 49
📚 Chronicle Multi-Session Campaigns: 14
🥇 The Best: 27
👍 Very Good: 100
💩 Very Bad : 3